Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blog:6 GYM CANDY-Carl Deuker

Thursday October 21,2010

On the Internet, read a biography about the author of your IRB.  How do you see the traditions, heritage, attitudes, or beliefs (pick one) of the author in your book?

In the book GYM CANDY by Carl Deuker i can see his attitude he uses in the book from his life. In GYM CANDY the main character Mick never gave up. Mick knew he wasnt the best player in his football league but he stood stronger and never gave up. On the other hand in Carl Deuker's childhood he joined a few different teams but often
did more sitting on the bench than playing. Once he was in college he played on intramural teams. The author Carl Deuker and the main character Mick Johnson have the same attitude about sports in common which is not to give up weather your the best player or not.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Blog:5 Gym Candy

Friday October 8,2010

how is the meaning of the story affected by the setting? 
Or in other words, can the setting take place somewhere else,
would it change the plot of the story?
use supporting details for the book.

In the book  GYM CANDY by Carl Deuker the meaning of the story is affected by the setting. The main character Mick is a football player that lives in Seattle. Mick wants to follow in his fathers footsteps and become a star football player and play in the NFL. Mick Johnson is determined not to make the same mistakes his father, a failed football hero, made. But after being tackled just short of the end zone in a big game, Mick begins using “gym candy,”The setting can be take place anywhere football can be played so not just in seattle where Mick began to play.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Blog:4 The Outsiders pg.175

   Friday October 1,2010

 Describe the author's tone in your IRB and how the setting contributes to that tone. Use supporting deatails from the book.

The tone of voice and setting contribute to the tone in many ways. Sodapop's tone is always very confident just like the Pony's. They never shows anyone that there scared or terrified. They may get mad by how the Socials act like they rule everything and act like their gang is way better then the Greasers just beacause they are wealthier then them. The thing is,is that the Greasers try not to let the Socials get to them.They have confidence within their gang.Ponyboy believes that the
Greasers are just as normal and good as the Socials are.

Blog:3 The Outsiders pg.140

Friday October 1,2010

Describe how the setting affects the mood in your IRB. Use supporting details from the book.

The setting affects the mood in my book,The Outsiders. One night Ponyboy and Johnny got into a fight with the Socials. The main leader of the Socials gang is Bob. Bob and another Social member double team on drowning Ponyboy in a water fountain. Johnny was watching them drown his friend Ponyboy,he had thought they were going to kill him so he got scared and ended up stabbing Bob to death with his switchblade.Therefore Johnny and Ponyboy had to think of what they were going to do next. They needed to come up with something fast! Boy was Darry going to be very upset with Pony.

Blog:2 The Outsiders pg.81

Friday October 1,2010

what is the main characters motivation? Be sure to use specific examples from the book to support your answer.

     In the book The Outsiders the main character Ponyboy Curtis has a motivation.His motivation is to keep his family together since his parents died. The only family memebers he lived with was his older brothers Darry and Sodapop. Darry was the oldest brother that had a job and worked most of the day.Sodapop dropped out of school and also had a job,so Ponyboy was the only one in school.It was often hard for Ponyboy to impress Darry because Darry claimed Ponyboy never used his head right. So Ponyboy atleast tried his best to satisfy Darry by keeping his grades up, but by getting into a fight with the Socials also known as the"Socs." can ruin that for him.