Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Blog11: Something Like Fate :Susane Colasanti

Describe a subplot and explain how it related to the bigger plot in the story. 

There is a subplot in my IRB.The subplot in the book is that two best friends like the same guy but the guy they both like is crushing one only one of them.With this happening this may cause a problem with the best friends friendship.This may ruin Lani and Erins friendship because they both like Jason.

Blog10: Something Like Fate by: Susane Colasanti

Wednesday January 19,2011

Do you relate to the main character in your book?  How is he or she like or not like you?  Compare and contrast the main character's life with yours.

I can relate to the main character in the book im reading.The main character Lani is like me because she puts other peoples feelings into consideration.In the book Lani starts to like her best friend Erins's boyfriend and he likes her too but she doesnt wanna hurt her best friend by liking her boyfriend so she trying to stop the feelings she has for Jason.If I were in Lani's position i would do the same thing by trying to stop the feelings I have.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Blog:9 Something Like Fate by: Susane Colasanti

Friday December 3,2010

If you could create a symbol for the main character in your book, what would it be and why?  Be sure to include specific examples from your book to support your choice.

In the book I'm reading Something Like Fate has a symbol. The symbol in the book is horoscopes. The reason for horoscopes being the symbol of the book is because Lani is constintly reading her horoscope. Checking her horoscope every Monday is an essential part of her life. Although her friend Blake says its a bogus thing to do. Therefore horoscopes is the main symbol so far in my book.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


November 24,2010

what is the effect on the audience of your IRB?

 The main effect that GYM CANDY has on the audience is a feeling of sportsmanship. For explain in the story Mick works hard at achieveing his goals in being a better football player. The story motivates you in never giving up. Even if you feel like all the hard work your doing isnt good enough in the end it will all pay off for the better. In the story Mick feels like he isnt the toughest player on his team so he starts taking steroids. You shouldnt take the short cut in becomming better at something because in the end all the work you have done will pay off.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Blog:7 GYM CANDY by Carl Deuker

Wednesday Novemeber 3,2010

Identify a theme in your IRB.  Describe events in your book that support this theme.

The book GYM CANDY has a theme. The theme in GYM CANDY is sportsmanship. Sportsmanship is shown in many ways. Mick Johnson worked hard at becomming a football player. He gave football is all and never let anyome bring him down.Mick shows sportsmanship when he compliments other teamates after a game. He also shows good sportsmanship when he does whatever it takes to become a better football player. He gives the game all his effort and fixes his mistakes. He shows great sportsmanship toward being a good football player by practiceing with is father Mike and going to the gym and working out with a personal trainer named PeterAt the end of the book being a good sportsmanship goes all down the drain.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blog:6 GYM CANDY-Carl Deuker

Thursday October 21,2010

On the Internet, read a biography about the author of your IRB.  How do you see the traditions, heritage, attitudes, or beliefs (pick one) of the author in your book?

In the book GYM CANDY by Carl Deuker i can see his attitude he uses in the book from his life. In GYM CANDY the main character Mick never gave up. Mick knew he wasnt the best player in his football league but he stood stronger and never gave up. On the other hand in Carl Deuker's childhood he joined a few different teams but often
did more sitting on the bench than playing. Once he was in college he played on intramural teams. The author Carl Deuker and the main character Mick Johnson have the same attitude about sports in common which is not to give up weather your the best player or not.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Blog:5 Gym Candy

Friday October 8,2010

how is the meaning of the story affected by the setting? 
Or in other words, can the setting take place somewhere else,
would it change the plot of the story?
use supporting details for the book.

In the book  GYM CANDY by Carl Deuker the meaning of the story is affected by the setting. The main character Mick is a football player that lives in Seattle. Mick wants to follow in his fathers footsteps and become a star football player and play in the NFL. Mick Johnson is determined not to make the same mistakes his father, a failed football hero, made. But after being tackled just short of the end zone in a big game, Mick begins using “gym candy,”The setting can be take place anywhere football can be played so not just in seattle where Mick began to play.