Friday, October 1, 2010

Blog:2 The Outsiders pg.81

Friday October 1,2010

what is the main characters motivation? Be sure to use specific examples from the book to support your answer.

     In the book The Outsiders the main character Ponyboy Curtis has a motivation.His motivation is to keep his family together since his parents died. The only family memebers he lived with was his older brothers Darry and Sodapop. Darry was the oldest brother that had a job and worked most of the day.Sodapop dropped out of school and also had a job,so Ponyboy was the only one in school.It was often hard for Ponyboy to impress Darry because Darry claimed Ponyboy never used his head right. So Ponyboy atleast tried his best to satisfy Darry by keeping his grades up, but by getting into a fight with the Socials also known as the"Socs." can ruin that for him.

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